Presentations, Trainings, & Consultation

Dr. Peterson is a leading expert in loneliness and social belonging and identity development. He has spent years researching and developing knowledge and methods on how individuals can us who they are and their social world to live better, be more productive, have more enriching life, and over come life’s challenges.

Current training include information related to the effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on individuals experience of loneliness and psychological/mental well-being.

School groups include K-12 and colleges and Universities can receive receive special rates and scholarships for presentations and trainings.

For more information email:

Dr. Curtis Peterson

Loneliness and social disconnect are becoming a modern epidemic causing a public health crisis. Finding ways for organizations, groups, and physical and mental health practitioners to overcome loneliness, develop a sense of belonging and identity, is becoming more important and should be a part of daily practice.


Whether for a small group or a large organization or community increasing members sense of identity and belonging increases individual physical, psychological, and emotional well-being and happiness. For organizations this can increase productivity and commitment and reduce burnout and costs associated with employee health issues. For both organizations and other groups this can increases the meaningful, commitment, and engagement with the group or community both on the group level but the individual level as well.


Whether you are looking to help your team progress or provide skill development for your staff understanding the dynamics of loneliness, social belonging, and identity in a client or customers life is important. For example recent research has shown that integrating understanding of identity into clinical and social services practices with clients increases the effectiveness of treatment (see for example: Cruwys, T., Haslam, S. A., Dingle, G. A., Haslam, C., & Jetten, J. (2014). Depression and social identity: An integrative review). Dr. Peterson will take your team through journey of how identity and loneliness influence each other to influence many of the problems adults and children face. Then he will provide skills and techniques that can be integrated into a wide variety of treatment and social service approaches.


Dr. Peterson’s consultation services are additional services organizations and groups can utilize that go beyond presentations and trainings.

Consultations can include Group Needs Assessments (GNA). A GNA is where Dr. Peterson and his team will come to your organization and group and assess your specific training needs, so that everything is targeted to your group’s specific needs.

Consultations can include after care programs. Our after care program is where we provide continued support for your group staff or members. This is targeted supported depending on the specific topics your organization received a training or presentation on, and provide your group members with an individualized experience.

During the time of COVID-19 Pandemic all services are provided virtually via Zoom or platform provided by organization or group. Pricing reflects virtual services, and is aimed to help organizations provide quality training during an economically difficult time.

Dr. Peterson training was great, awesome tool to understand our kiddos better as well as how to help them

Program Director, SouthWest Keys, Program Working with Migrant Children.

About Me

Welcome to my site on identity and loneliness. My name is Dr. Curtis Peterson, I have been studying the connection between identity and loneliness for over 13 years. My goal is to emphasize the importance of being a social species and denial of this leads to many life difficulties.
